Marijuana and the Eyes
Introduction Since most states are passing more laws to legalize the sale of marijuana for recreational purposes, more questions are...

Eye Safety During a Solar Eclipse
On April 8, 2024, an unusual event will occur. A total solar eclipse will cross the United States (weather permitting) passing over...
COVID and the Eyes: Part 1
As an optometrist, these past six months have brought on many new challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to write some blogs in...
Five Ways to Save Your Vision
March is Save Your Vision Month! One of the most common questions that I get as an optometrist is, "What can I do to make sure that my...
Thyroid Eye Disease
January is Thyroid Awareness Month. In this blog we would like to discuss Thyroid Eye Disease and how it affects many Americans. Thyroid...
A Vision for Children Everywhere
To learn at school every child needs to be able to see their texts and lessons on the board or screen. To develop relationships with...
So Why The Move?
Some patients keep asking us, "Why did we move?" Other patients know the reason was obvious. And the rest understand when they see the...
Why did I become an Optometrist?
Many patients often inquire when my optometric quest began. To tell you the truth, I am not 100% sure. I always knew that I wanted to be...